Four Acorns / Quatre graines de chêne

How we made a pizza oven during lockdown / Un four à pizza fait maison

So here it is – the clay oven we built in our back garden during the coronavirus lockdown. The acorns...

Mother’s Day in the time of coronavirus / La Fête des Mères au temps du coronavirus

Sunday was Mother’s Day in Ireland (in France, it won’t be until the last Sunday in May). In this time...

Greystones Seagirls’ IWD swimrise / Baignaube du 8 mars

This. This was our IWD swimrise – 70+ women going for a sunrise swim on International Women’s Day to raise...

Can you hear the trees fall in Kindlestown? / Entends-tu les arbres tomber ?

Shocking. Enraging. Heartbreaking. The time had come for whole swathes of Sitka spruce in Coillte-owned Kindlestown Wood to get the...

Exploring Heywood Gardens / A la découverte des jardins de Heywood

It was a day of French connections. While Brian attended a gardening workshop at Dunmore Country School with French man...

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