Four Acorns / Quatre graines de chêne


#MySundayPhoto – Gratitude

“I am so happy that we live in Ireland and that we’re here in France on holiday!” These were Pebbles’...


On Sunday I watched with Brian the final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup on a big screen on Place...


Four Acorns go wild on the River Barrow / Quatre graines de chêne sur la rivière Barrow

The River Barrow is one of Ireland’s hidden gems. And after spending an amazing 24 hours wild camping, canoeing and...


10 stunning Irish beaches / 10 plages d’Irlande à couper le souffle

When living in Ireland, you’re never far away from a beach, be it the dramatic windswept gems of the Atlantic...


Midsummer by the sea / Solstice sur mer

There is something magical about the shortest night of the year in Ireland’s northern climes, and this midsummer weekend was...

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