Four Acorns / Quatre graines de chêne

Quatre Graines de Chêne en grève pour le climat

Voilà pourquoi les graines de chêne participent à la grève scolaire pour le futur ce vendredi 15 mars. Parce qu’ils...

Four Acorns join the School Strike for Climate

And that is why the acorns are joining in with the global school strike for climate on Friday 15th March....

On East Coast FM’s Morning Show / Interview radio sur East Coast FM

It was nerve-racking, it was challenging but it was also surprisingly fun! If you missed my first ever radio interview...


Exploring a river of volcanic rocks / A la découverte de la Coulée de lave de Bourianne

Perfectly still, yet it seems to flow. Utterly mineral, yet far from lifeless.  Unmistakably wintry, yet warming to the soft...


There is no place like Earth / Nulle part comme sur Terre

It was a glorious winter day. It was the second day of spring, a.k.a. Imbolc, in the Celtic calendar. But...

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