Making the cover of Natural Parenting Ireland / A la une d’un magazine

Have I told you yet that one of my photos made the cover of Natural Parenting Ireland‘s spring/summer issue?

Understandably, I am delighted to see one of my photos on a magazine cover, especially a lovely new publication such as this. As for my little wildling, he is proud as punch to be “famous”!

This weekend, I got the chance to go through most of the magazine while sitting in our sunny back garden. I read about 10 common misconceptions about mindfulness, about the art of quiet (i.e. communcating without talking), and about the joy of slow adventuring – a topic close to my heart delightfully covered by fellow blogger Kelly of Every Treasure.

I also discovered a new parenting book that I can’t wait to get my hands on: Roots and Wings – Childhood needs a revolution, by Alex Koster M. Ed.

About Natural Parenting Ireland

Natural Parenting Ireland
Facebook @NaturalParentingIrelandMagazine
Instagram @naturalparentingireland
Twitter @IreNatParentMag

Natural Parenting Ireland is the brainchild of mum of 2 Karen McDevitt. This new magazine, dedicated to gentle and respectful parenting approaches, launched in Ireland last autumn.

Natural Parenting Ireland is a community for parents in Ireland who wish to follow a more natural, traditional, child-focused way of parenting. The magazine is a resource for those who seek to learn more; a meeting place for parents to share their experiences and a bubble in which your choices are validated and celebrated.”

Do yourself a favour and support a nascent Irish business by buying a copy of Natural Parenting Ireland here

Related / Similaire  Double photo shoot / Double séance photo

Est-ce que je vous ai dit qu’une de mes photos fait la une du numéro printemps/été de Natural Parenting Ireland ?

Bien sûr, je suis ravie de voir une des mes photos en couverture d’un magazine, surtout une nouvelle publication aussi proche de mes valeurs. Quant à mon sauvageon, il est tout fier d’être “célèbre” ! 

Ce weekend, assise au soleil dans notre jardin, j’ai enfin pu parcourir le magazine. J’y ai lu des articles sur la pleine conscience, sur l’art de communiquer sans parler sur la joie des aventures lentes – un sujet qui me tient à cœur et que mon amie bloggeuse Kelly, de Every Treasure, traite de main de maître.

J’y ai aussi découvert un livre à commander sans tarder : Roots and Wings de Alex Koster.

A propos de Natural Parenting Ireland

Natural Parenting Ireland
Facebook @NaturalParentingIrelandMagazine
Instagram @naturalparentingireland
Twitter @IreNatParentMag

Natural Parenting Ireland est le “bébé” de Karen McKevitt, Dublinoise et maman de deux enfants. Ce nouveau magazine, lancé en Irlande à l’autumne 2017, se consacre à la parentalité proximale et respectueuse. 

Si vous souhaitez en obtenir un exemplaire et soutenir ainsi une nouvelle entreprise irlandaise, visitez le site du magazine ici


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